Friday, April 30, 2010


HOLLYWOOD SPY has written before about Sean Bean's new historical action "Black Death" coming to UK cinemas later this May, but now you can check out the trailer.
Here's the plot: Plague-ridden medieval England: Bodies lie scattered in their hundreds, the country is in turmoil. One hope remains, rumours of a village that is unaffected by the deadly disease. As Gods ambassador, young monk Osmund (Eddie Redmayne) is tasked in leading the fearsome knight Ulrich (Sean Bean) and his group of mercenaries to the remote village. Their quest is to hunt down a necromancer - someone able to bring the dead back to life. Their journey is treacherous and filled with danger, encountering deadly bandits and vicious witch-burnings that will put their faith to the ultimate test. Though its upon entering the village that their true horror begins... This is a brutal and terrifying epic that guarantees to chill the blood and stir the soul.


Now, this news will make Stephen King's fans happy, and I know there are quite a lot of them among our beloved readers. According to "Variety" Akiva Goldsman's "Weed Road" and Brian Grazer and Ron Howard's "Imagine Entertainment" are planning to buy the rights for the adaptation of Stephen King's "The Dark Tower" fantasy series consisting of seven books.
"The Dark Tower" is set in alternate world resembling the Old West and focuses on the last member of an ancient order of gunslingers and his quest toward a tower that's also the center of all universes.
This mix of fantasy fiction, science fantasy, horror and western has also been turned into a comic series by Marvel. Apparently the plan is to condense the seven book story into a trilogy on film, with Ron Howard in the director's seat.


After yesterday's unofficial photo of The Destroyer from Kenneth Branagh's upcoming super hero blockbuster, today we have the first exclusive and official photo of Thor himself. Check out charismatic Chris Hemsworth as the Norse God. Premiering May 6th, 2011 "Thor" stars Chris Hemsworth, Anthony Hopkins, Kat Dennings, Stellan Skarsgård, Ray Stevenson, Natalie Portman, Samuel L. Jackson and Jaimie Alexander.
What do you think? As far as I can see around the Net, the fans are getting hyped over the adaptation, and everybody likes the first pictures of The Destroyer and Chris Hemsworth as Thor. I'm not sure, but I think the studio has decided to quickly release this first picture of Thor in order to cover up yesterday's leaked picture of Destroyer.

Marin Sorescu


Gîza asta născută azi-dimineaţă
A şi ghicit lustra,
A ales-o tocmai pe ea
Dintre tablouri şi covoare
Şi se deapănă în jur
Nebună de fericire,
Ca o planetă moale -

Ca şi cînd pentru acest vîrtej
I-ar fi murit toate spiţele,
Ca să încheie ea un cerc perfect
În jurul becului.

Becul e stins dar vopsit în galben.
Acest galben fals
O face fericită,
Pentru că va muri pe la prînz.

Hai să aprindem lumina,
Să creadă c-a trăit toată ziua
Şi încă o seară,
C-a apucat seara,
C-a trăit foarte mult -
Aşa să creadă şi ea.


L'insetto che naque stamattina
Ha gia indovinato la lampadina,
Ha scelto proprio essa
Tra quadri e carpeti
E gira intorno
Pazza per felicita,
Come un morbido pianetta -

Come se per questo vortice
Fossero morti tutti i suoi relativi,
Per chiudere esso un cerchio perfetto
Intorno alla lampadina.

La lampadina e spenta ma dipinta in giallo.
Questo giallo finto
Lo fa felice,
Perche morira verso il pomeriggio.

Accendiamo la luce,
Perche esso creda che e visuto tutto il giorno
Piu una sera,
Che e vissuto tanto -
Perche ci creda cosi.


The insect that has born this morning
Has just guessed the lamp,
She choosed it
From pictures and carpets
And goes arround
Fool with hapiness,
Like a soft planet -

As for this vortex
All her relatives have died,
As she would make a perfect circle
Arround the lamp.

The lamp is shut but depinted in yellow.
This false yellow
Make her happy,
Because she'll die at noon.

Let's turn up the light
Because she might believe that she has lived all day long
Plus an evening,
That she has lived very long -
So she might believe.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Latino Review has published the first exclusive image from Kenneth Branagh's movie adaptation of "Thor". The picture gives the first glimpse at The Destroyer. The Destroyer is an enchanted suit of armor forged by Odin, and was used by Thor's arch-foe Loki on several occasions when he was trying to kill Thor. The armor has the ability to project blasts of energy or heat, emit a disintegration beam activated via its visor, manipulate electro-magnetism and molecules and achieve flight.

The movie itself will go from present day Earth to the realm of Asgard following The Mighty Thor (Chris Hemsworth), a powerful but arrogant warrior whose reckless actions reignite an ancient war. Thor is cast down to Earth and forced to live among humans as punishment. Once here, Thor learns what it takes to be a true hero when the most dangerous villain of his world sends the darkest forces of Asgard to invade Earth.


Today, HOLLYWOOD SPY brings you a bunch of casting news, with new projects for some of our favourite Tinseltown boys.
Young Shia LaBeouf will star in "The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman", a romantic action movie about a boy who falls in love with the one girl who will probably get him killed, and who has already been claimed by an insanely violent crime boss with a gang of thugs at his disposal. Using just his wit and charm he will woo the girl and save her from troubles.

Greg Kinnear will take the lead in The History Channel's mini-series "The Kennedys". He will portray President John F. Kennedy, Katie Holmes will play first lady Jacqueline Kennedy. Barry Pepper will play Robert Kennedy while Tom Wilkinson will play John and Robert's father, Joe Kennedy Sr.

Dwayne Johnson will star in "Protection" as a mercenary Mexico City security operative forced to smuggle the daughter of an under-threat, high ranking judge and the judge's chief legal counsel across the border while being pursued by corrupt cops, drug lords and white collar U.S. criminal forces.

Charming Topher Grace will join Richard Gere in "The Double", a film which describes the murder of a U.S. Senator by a shadowy Russian assassin long thought to be dead. Richard Gere will play a retired spy who made a career after hunting the Russian assassin, who now comes back to partner up with a young FBI agent played by Topher Grace.

Magda Isanos


Pomii cei tineri, în dimineaţa de marte,
unii lîngă alţii au stat să se roage -
frunţile lor străluceau inspirate deasupra
pămîntului încă-n zăpezi.

Şi-n aerul în care nu erau zboruri,
pomii, ale căror umbre nu se născuseră,
cîntau un imn pentru viaţă
ca nişte oameni goi şi frumoşi ei cîntau :

" Soare de-aramă, zeu popular printre plante,
priveşte oastea noastră-ndrăzneaţă ;
ici-colo aerul e rumen de tot printre ramuri,
că viitoarele fructe acolo vor sta...

Noi nu ne-nchinăm de fel şi nu plîngem,
ci pregătim un loc cît mai înalt pentru cuiburi
şi pregătim o orgă de brazi pentru vînturi,
soare de-aramă, zeu totdeauna rotund...

Ni s-a povestit despre tine-n pămînt,
cînd nu cunoşteam dimensiunile cerului ;
ni s-a povestit despre tine-n leagănul cald.
Seminţele-n somn visau că există culori,

roşu, albastru şi gri, minunate culori.
Tu, peste frunţile noastre, soare, cobori.
Şi noi vom da fructe, şi noi vom fi hore de flori.
Gloria noastră toată-n vîrf se presimte..."

Şi-un curcubeu pe deasupra tulpinelor strîmte
cade vestind : nu moarte, desigur, nu moarte,
pomilor tineri în dimineaţa de marte...


I giovani alberi nel mattino di marte
uno vicino all'altro hanno stato per pregare -
le loro fronti splendevano ispirate sopra
la terra ancora coperta di neve.

E nell'aria dove non erano ancora dei voli,
gli alberi, le quali ombre non fossero nate,
cantavano un inno per la vita,
come uomini nudi e belli loro cantavano :

" Sole di rame, dio popolare tra le piante,
guarda il nostro audace esercito ;
qua e la, l'aria e rossiccia tra i rammi,
perche i futuri frutti starano la...

Noi non c'inchiniamo affatto e non piangiamo ,
ma prepariamo un posto quanto piu alto per i nidi
e prepariamo un'organo d'abeti per il vento,
sole di rame, dio sempre rotondo...

Ci hanno narrato di te nella terra,
quando non conoscevamo le dimensioni del cielo ;
ci hanno narrato di te nella calda culla.
Le semi nel sonno sognavano che ci sono dei colori,

rosso, azzurro e griggio, meravigliosi colori.
Tu, sopra le nostre fronti, sole , scendi.
Anche noi daremmo dei frutti, anche noi saremmo ballo di fiori.
La nostra gloria si sente tutta nei vetti..."

E un arcobaleno al di sopra dei stretti tronchi
cade annunziando : non morte, certamente, non morte,
ai giovani alberi nel mattino di marte...


The young trees, in the morning of march,
one by the side of another have stand to prey -
their foreheads were brighting inspired over
the earth still covered by snow.

And in the air in which were no flights,
the tDimensiunea fontuluirees, whose shadows weren't yet born,
were singing a hymn for life,
like naked and beautiful men they were singing :

" Copper sun, god popular among the plants,
look at our dearing army ;
here and there the air is ruddy among the branches,
because the future fruits will stay there...

We don't bow down and weep,
but prepare a high place for the nests
and an organ of fir-trees for the wind,
copper sun, god always round...

We were told about you in the earth,
when we didn't know the size of the sky ;
we were told about you in the worm cradle,
The seeds in the sleep were dreaming that colours exists,

red, blue and grey, wonderful colours.
You, over our foreheads, sun, fall.
Us too shall give fruits, us too shall be dance of flowers.
Our entire glory on tops is felt..."

And a rainbow over the narrow steams
falls announcing : not death, certainly, not death,
to the young trees in the morning of march...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Almost a year ago, HOLLYWOOD SPY reported how China is planning to make a huge underwater blockbuster with mermaids and all kinds of sea monsters with Monica Bellucci as the lead actress and Pitof as director. Now, with the shooting already begun, it seems a lot of changes have taken place in the whole production.
"Empires of the Deep", with the $100 million budget, has already made a record as the largest 3D production in China's film history. This fantasy adventure is co-directed by Michael French and Jonathan Lawrence, and according to the latest news instead of Bellucci, the film will have stunning Olga Kurylenko as the Queen of the Mermaid Empire alongside male lead Steve Polites and Liang Yanfei. Anthony Arendt, virtual camera operator in "Avatar" has also come aboard the film.
"Empires of the Deep" will follow a young man's journey through a mythical underwater mermaid kingdom, where he is trying to rescue his father, while encountering some of the most ferocious creatures the sea kingdom has to offer.


Hear ye, hear ye, the Dragons shall fly again! DreamWorks Animation has announced today that their sensational hit film "How to Train Your Dragon" will get a sequel in 2013. After the movie has won the hearts of the audience and received great reviews from experts, bringing back some warmth and fun into cinemas, and grossing almost $375 million so far in worldwide box office "How to Train Your Dragon" has become DreamWorks Animation's next franchise. I'm sure this news will excite a lot of HOLLYWOOD SPY's readers, since I know that many of you have enjoyed the movie this month falling in love with its charming characters, stunning animation and inspiring story.


According to "MovieWeb" Warner Bros. is preparing some interesting adventure movies for us.
HOLLYWOOD SPY has already mentioned the project which will portray Leonardo Da Vinci as an action hero. Now, the reports state that Warner Bros. has hired Marc Guggenheim to write the script for "Leonardo Da Vinci and the Soldiers of Forever" which describes an alternative history in which Da Vinci is a member of a secret society who falls headlong into a supernatural adventure that pits the man against Biblical demons in a story involving secret codes, lost civilizations, hidden fortresses and fallen angels. The movie is scheduled for 2013.

After he finishes that script, Marc Guggenheim will also pen "Thieves of Baghdad" also for Warner Bros. In this epic adventure Sinbad, Ali Baba and all the greatest scoundrels from the classic Arabic folk tales team up to pull off the biggest heist of their criminal careers.
I must admit I can't wait to see the casting for both of these exciting projects.


Now this is what happens to celebrities who do not read HOLLYWOOD SPY. How many times have I told you people, that when you come to Serbia you can't drink slivovitz (lethal Serbian plum brandy) like you'd drink whiskey, vodka or any other poisonous liquid.
According to Serbian press, Gerard Butler, who is currently filming "Coriolanus" in Belgrade, has been taken to a private clinic yesterday by producers and his security. After blood testing, doctors have diagnosed a high blood pressure, and Gerard was given an IV. According to doctors, the high blood pressure was the result of Gerard's excessive enjoyment in Serbian delicacies and domestic brandy which led to mild food and alcohol poisoning. We don't have to mention that beside too much food and drink, Gerard has also exhausted his organism with too much work and too much partying, since Serbians have been seeing him in Belgrade clubs almost each night this week.
But at least the stories about Gerard being a great lad, have been proved again, since the clinic staff was more than impressed by his friendly attitude and positive character.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


My dear and ever so gorgeous readers, I'm proud to announce that yet another of HOLLYWOOD SPY's polls has finished successfully showing your impeccable taste :) Scoring 32% out of the total 207 votes, Matthew Goode has won the title of your favourite BRITISH LAD. Other two great guys, Simon Woods and Henry Cavill have won the second and the third place with 41 and 40 votes.
I've personally noticed charming Matthew Goode some time before he became world wide famous with the role of dashing Ozymandias in one of the best sf movies "Watchmen" last year. His hypnotic charisma has caught my eye back in 2005 when he stared in the intriguing drama "Match Point". You've also had a chance to see this gifted British actor (who is by the way just nine days older than your dear Hollywood Spy ^_^) in "A Single Man", "Leap Year", "Chasing Liberty", "Brideshead Revisited"... Our beloved Goody (who is also a good friend with another British guy - Ben Whishaw) has also auditioned for the main role in "The Hobbit", and if he gets the role we might be seeing him in one of the biggest fantasy projects of this decade.

And now ladies and gentlemen, etiquette bids me to turn to the male population among our readers. I think they will be more than satisfied (literally as well:) ) with our new poll. In next two weeks we will be choosing your favourite SF BEAUTY. The list of gorgeous sf TV vixens includes: Jeri Ryan (the sexiest Borg from STAR TREK VOYAGER), Linda Park (adorable Hoshi Sato from STAR TREK ENTERPRISE), Morena Baccarin (refined and breathtaking Inara from FIREFLY), Jolene Blalock (steamy T'Pol from STAR TREK ENTERPRISE), Kari Wuhrer (lusty captain Maggie from SLIDERS) and Jewel Staite (sf cutie from FIREFLY and STARGATE ATLANTYS). You can vote and stare at their pictures as much as you like in the upcoming two weeks.


According to "Movieweb" Universal has took over the adaptation of the bestselling James Patterson's young adult science fiction/fantasy book "Maximum Ride" from Columbia, but it seems that the helm is still secured for Catherine Hardwicke.

This highly successful fantasy saga chronicles six teens known as the Flock who are genetically altered so they are part human and part bird. Learning to fly, they escape the laboratory where they have been housed and are pursued by a pack of creatures called the Erasers that are part human and part wolf.


Sad news, people, the story we had reported as a rumor at the beginning of the year, has been confirmed now: popular fantasy show "Legend of the Seeker" has been canceled which means that the upcoming second season finale will actually be the final end of the whole show. Although the second season brought interesting new characters, amazing sets and costumes, and entertaining plots, it seems that many countries have been dropping the series since winter, and the studio has lost too many markets for the show. According to "Ausiello Files" ABC, the producer of the show, has apparently tried to sell and offer "Legend of the Seeker" to possible buyers, but it seems no one was interested.
As you know, this refreshing series was the adaptation of Terry Goodkind's novels with the charming cast including Craig Horner, Bridget Regan, Tabrett Bethell and Craig Parker. It seems we won't be seeing their lovely faces anymore in this captivating action-adventure.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Constantin P. Popescu : Dealuri ( )

Ana Blandiana


Dealuri, dulci sfere-mpădurite
Ascunse jumătate ăn pămînt
Ca să se poată bucura şi morţii
De carnea voastră rotunjită blînd,
Poate un mort stă ca şi mine-acum,
Ascultă veşniciile cum cură,
Îşi aminteşte vechi vieţi pe rînd
Şi contemplîndu-vă murmură :
Dealuri, dulci sfere-mpădurite
Ascunse jumătate în văzduh
Ca să se poată bucura şi viii
De nesfîrşit de blîndul vostru duh.


Colli, dolci sfere rimboscate
Nascoste a mezzo nella terra
Per poter rallegrarsi anche i morti
Della vostra carne mite e tonda,
Forse un morto sta come me adesso,
Ascolta l'eternita scorrendo,
Si ricorda delle vecchie vite
E contemplandovi mormora :
Colli, dolci sfere rimboscate
Nascoste a mezzo nell'aria
Per poter rallegrarsi anche i vivi
Del vostro mite spirito senza fine.


Hills, sweet afforested spheres
Half hidden in the earth
So that the dead would enjoy
Your mild and round flash,
Maybe a dead are staying like me now,
Listening to the eternal flowing,
Remembering his old lives
And contemplating you, he whispers :
Hills, sweet afforested spheres
Half hidden in the air
So that the living would enjoy
Your unlimited gentle spirit.

A gray day flies by

I just deleted four deadly dry paragraphs about how it's important to make sure one gets enough sleep and other tips for staying emotionally on top of one's game. Yawn. I'm no columnist. I ramble, and not rambling turns me into a dullard.

It's a gray day here in Brooklyn. I'm amazed it's already 5:00p.m. I swear time moves more quickly in the city. Another day has flown by and I'm surrounded by things I've meant to do and haven't gotten to. It's okay. Well, it's okay, sort of.

I've been allowing myself to sleep as long as I need to and I slept 11 hours last night. I've been overly vigilant about my sleep. Am I sleeping too much because I'm depressed? Should I set the alarm clock? Is it okay to sleep this much? Am I sick? Well, yes, I've discovered I am feeling a little bit sick. Discovered? How'd I not notice? Weren't you taking good care of yourself? Weren't you pacing yourself? What's wrong with you?! Stop overanalyzing! Stop thinking! Get back to your schedule! Are you okay? What's a normal feeling? Are you sure you're really sick? Is that humming from the restaurant ventilation system across the street going to drive you crazy? How about the lack of light in the apartment? Why didn't you realize these things were so bad?! Maybe you should have looked at more apartments before you took this one! What were you thinking? What were you thinking?!

Oh, my. Monkey mind has returned with a vengeance.

I am really okay today. I am a little bit sick, yes. And those thoughts, well, they aren't gone, but they're swirling around in a more free floating manner than they were.

Luckily for me, I can stop the swirl of thoughts pretty easily. Right now, the swirling cacophony of thoughts is more active than usual, so I need to work a bit harder (okay, a lot harder).

I can also have a good laugh at how absurd it all is. The mind can spin anything, and it's really, really good at it.

One minute you're feeling fine and the next minute something happens that throws you. I've had days where something stupid would happen and I'd think "I feel like killing myself." Y'know what? Lots of people think that. "I'm so stupid. I knew I should have taken that left turn when I went right. I'm an idiot and I should kill myself."

It's pretty laughable, really.

Other times one can be totally down in the dumps and perhaps you'll wind up watching a good movie and forget all about what was bothering you. Or you can be transported by a good perfume, a lovely flower, a bird landing on a tree, your cat or dog, a good book. . .the list is endless. We can be distracted so easily if we allow it.

The last part is the key. We seem to have a propensity for being pretty attached to our feelings, even if they're causing us pain, and so we miss all the opportunities to be delighted by life. In the end, happiness is really in the details. It appears that no amount of success helps with anything if you go by what's in the tabloids. Otherwise, why would there be so many celebrities in rehab or getting divorced? Sure, the lack of money makes everything a lot worse, no doubt about it, but money really does not buy happiness, nor does success. If we can't see the little things in life and take pleasure in them, there is nothing that will help us. I may change my mind about a million things, but this is one thing I stand by.

I can also choose. Did I notice the horrible humming from the restaurant in the last half hour? No. Do I like that sound? No again. But when I was distracted by just being here writing, which I enjoy, I wasn't focused on that hum. I could sit here all day and stew and fret about everything that bothers and scares me but it won't do me the slightest bit of good. Everyone is so focused on depression-as-disease these days that saying there's any choices involved is downright heretical, but I'll stand by that, too. I don't mean one can talk oneself out of a depression, but one can make small choices during the course of a day that will make a difference.

I lit nice incense. I put my favorite perfume on. I chose to blog when I felt too tired to continue unpacking instead of forcing myself to keep on going. I decided to stop harassing myself with all the "you shoulds." Some days it's tougher than others to make the right choices, but one has got to try. That's all.

Photo note: Look carefully because it's small and blurry. There was a rabbit at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. It was away from the hubbub and the beautifully manicured flowers. It was easily missed. After the rabbit hopped away, I looked down and there were two ducks right at my feet:


Now, if you like genuine British hunks, you will enjoy this one. According to "Variety" Clive Owen and Jason Statham will star together in "The Killer Elite". The film centers on a group of British former special forces soldiers who become hunted by a team of ruthless assassins, lead by Jason Statham's character. Clive Owen will play a top field agent for a spy organization that protects the British soldiers and their families.
Since he obviously likes playing killers, after we see him this summer in "The Expendables" Jason Statham will also star in "The Mechanic" an action-thriller centered on an assassin and his apprentice (Ben Foster). On the other side, it seems Clive Owen adores playing cops and special agents, and if you go over to IMDB and check his list, you will see that all of his upcoming projects present him in detective or agent roles.


Actor Justin Theroux, who was hired to write the screenplay for "Iron Man 2" after he had impressed Robert Downey Jr with writing "Tropic Thunder", got busy these days promoting the super-hero sequel coming to cinemas on May 7th. Speaking to "Movieweb" Justin Theroux has revealed that he wouldn't mind continuing his work with Marvel Studios.

Since the studio is also focusing on their super-hero group movie "The Avengers" he said that he won't have time to write the script for that film, but that he could consider starring in it, and he mentioned a role he would be particularly interested in. Apparently he could see himself as Hawkeye. Hawkeye has no superhuman powers, but he is a trained athlete and tactician who is very skilled with the bow and arrows. What do you think, could you see Theroux as Hawkeye?

Effect of Hair Colors and Dye

In an increasingly fashion-conscious world, there is a critical need to look good. Side-effects of hair color include:
  1. Irritation – This may include burning sensation, itching, redness and discomfort. If any of these occur then you should stop coloring your hair. This is also recommended to perform a small skin patch test before starting coloring.
  2. reactions - hair color or dye ingredients contain allergy inducing sensitizers like PPD will cause problems like itching, scalp puffiness, swelling, and difficulty in breathing. They can provoke development of certain type of cancer, hay fever, arthritis and leukemia etc.
  3. Breakage – There is an excessive use of hair color or dyes that makes the hair dry, rough and fragile. In a worst case scenario, hair can break off entirely. Also, colored hair should be conditioned regularly.
  4. Discoloration – Hair, skin and fingernails are made up of essentially the same type of protein. While coloring around the hairline there are certain patches of discolored skin that can develop. There should be special care taken while doing so.
So why do people color their hair? This can literally improve confidence and personality. In the entertainment or health industry, hair color is an important aspect of appearance.

Chemicals in hair dyes include resorcinol, ammonio, persulfates, hydrogen peroxide, lead acetate and 4-ABP.

There are recent publications that highlight the dangers of hair tints including:

An FDA study which found lead acetate (an active ingredient in gradual darkening products such as Grecian formula) potentially toxic.

Prolonged use of hair color has been linked to the development of some forms of cancer (including leukemia, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, bladder cancer, blood cancer, and multiple myeloma).

And to be extremely specific, long term use of permanent dark hair dyes can double a person's risk of various types of blood cancer. Recently a known human carcinogen, 4-Aminobiphenyl or 4-ABP, was found in some off-the shelf hair dyes.

Finally, dying your hair blond requires extensive knowledge of color theory. When hair is bleached, it either has a yellow or coppery shade. Violet-based colors must be used to cancel out yellow tones, and a blue-based shade that will cancel coppery orange out.
Professional hair colorists have a range of products that can correct, nullify or reduce the impact of unintended hair coloring outcome.

Before going to your stylist, carefully research which hair color, the specific look you want and potential side-effects.

Effect of Hair Colors and Dye

In an increasingly fashion-conscious world, there is a critical need to look good. Side-effects of hair color include:
  1. Irritation – This may include burning sensation, itching, redness and discomfort. If any of these occur then you should stop coloring your hair. This is also recommended to perform a small skin patch test before starting coloring.
  2. reactions - hair color or dye ingredients contain allergy inducing sensitizers like PPD will cause problems like itching, scalp puffiness, swelling, and difficulty in breathing. They can provoke development of certain type of cancer, hay fever, arthritis and leukemia etc.
  3. Breakage – There is an excessive use of hair color or dyes that makes the hair dry, rough and fragile. In a worst case scenario, hair can break off entirely. Also, colored hair should be conditioned regularly.
  4. Discoloration – Hair, skin and fingernails are made up of essentially the same type of protein. While coloring around the hairline there are certain patches of discolored skin that can develop. There should be special care taken while doing so.
So why do people color their hair? This can literally improve confidence and personality. In the entertainment or health industry, hair color is an important aspect of appearance.

Chemicals in hair dyes include resorcinol, ammonio, persulfates, hydrogen peroxide, lead acetate and 4-ABP.

There are recent publications that highlight the dangers of hair tints including:

An FDA study which found lead acetate (an active ingredient in gradual darkening products such as Grecian formula) potentially toxic.

Prolonged use of hair color has been linked to the development of some forms of cancer (including leukemia, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, bladder cancer, blood cancer, and multiple myeloma).

And to be extremely specific, long term use of permanent dark hair dyes can double a person's risk of various types of blood cancer. Recently a known human carcinogen, 4-Aminobiphenyl or 4-ABP, was found in some off-the shelf hair dyes.

Finally, dying your hair blond requires extensive knowledge of color theory. When hair is bleached, it either has a yellow or coppery shade. Violet-based colors must be used to cancel out yellow tones, and a blue-based shade that will cancel coppery orange out.
Professional hair colorists have a range of products that can correct, nullify or reduce the impact of unintended hair coloring outcome.

Before going to your stylist, carefully research which hair color, the specific look you want and potential side-effects.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Now, here's a, both interesting and disturbing, rumor I've just read over at "Aceshowbiz": the star of the upcoming movie "Beastly", young Vanessa Hudgens might be wearing the Spider-Woman costume in the future. She is apparently in talks with filmmakers to star in a film which will focus on the super heroine who first appeared in Marvel Comics in 1944.
They plan to make a fun, comedic movie in which Spider-Woman is strong and sexy but also funny and according to rumors Vanessa is very interested in the whole idea. So, what do you think about this? The same scary news as Taylor Swift possibly playing Supergirl?!?


If you are anxiously waiting to see the upcoming summer movie "Sex and teh City 2", wait till you hear this - the theme song for the movie, titled "Love is Your Colour" is a duet between two sensational singers - Leona Lewis and Jennifer Hudson. As you know, Jennifer Hudson had a role in the first movie as Carrie Bradshaw’s assistant, while Leona Lewis already has some soundtrack experience since she sang the mesmerizing theme song "I See You" for "Avatar" and she had a song in "Precious".
"Sex and the City 2" soundtrack will also feature Beyonce's "Single Ladies" but this time performed by Liza Minnelli, who will most probably sing the song during Stanford Blatch and Anthony Marantino's gay wedding in the film. The songs from Alicia Keys, Dido and Erykah Badu will also appear in the movie.


Now you must see this - the third full-length trailer for the upcoming fantasy adventure "The Last Airbender", which is by far the best of all we've seen in recent few months. The number of breathtaking scenes in this trailer is simply overwhelming. Be careful not to miss all the water and ice bending scenes and the flying dragons, and the sensational one-to-one element-bending battle between Aang and prince Zuko.
Coming out July 2nd, 2010, "The Last Airbender" will be shown both in 2D and 3D.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Why I haven't been blogging

I haven't been blogging because I was waiting until I had uplifting and amusing stories to write about. I haven't been blogging because I was hiding behind the assumption that "everyone" thought "oh, she's unpacking and in transition and will be back afterwards with amusing and fascinating stories" or something to that effect. I haven't been blogging because I didn't want to tell the truth. I haven't been blogging because I didn't want to admit that I'm not perfectly happy and everything is just grand in my new home. I haven't been blogging because I've blogged before when I'm down (which was a lot of the time), and I didn't want to put that stuff out there again. Well, if that was my aim, I'd probably have to stop blogging.

Why all the hiding? Did I ever say that I'd be perfectly fine? Did I write that I thought a location change would cause me to become a person who'd never have a lousy feeling again? No, I did not. I sure sounded like it, however, and perhaps I'm a bit ashamed of myself for making any grand proclamations.

I had been through a number of spectacular depressions and thought I'd found some answers to keeping them at bay. I had. That doesn't nullify any of it. In fact, I do know that hiding and not telling the truth is, in fact, not one of the answers. So, I've decided to be honest.

No, everything isn't grand. I'm fighting my demons, and I do recall I wrote that fighting them was a losing battle. Accepting them is the answer.

So, today I accepted. I slept all day. My body was screaming at me to stop doing anything. I slept and slept and slept. Not the sleep of depression, but the sleep of total physical and emotional exhaustion.

Then I went out and got Chinese food. It was awful. What's going on in Park Slope, Brooklyn, that I can't get decent take-out Chinese food? I thought the Chinese food in Maine was bad (with the exception of the one great place whose name I don't know in Unity), but this is ridiculous! Do I have to go in to Manhattan for good Chinese food? So far, the answer seems to be a resounding "yes."

Writing that makes me feel better. I have no idea why. Just complaining about this one small and silly thing feels normal. This is the third lousy Chinese take-out I've gotten that's sitting in my fridge waiting to be thrown out. This is third time I've opened a paper bag full of supposedly delicious (approved by Yelp!) Chinese food only to take my first bite and wonder if I can bring myself to have a second one. And oh, it feels good to complain about something so mundane.

The truth is, I'd be abnormal if I wasn't having some kind of reaction to moving away from where I've lived for nearly 20 years, ending a long-term relationship, and planning on starting a new business venture all at the same time! Just having one of these things happen is stressful enough as it is. And here I was, totally upbeat, moving along as if I was fine, which I was. I was bound to fall down.

In fact, I did fall down. I fell on the street the first night I was here. I tripped on a broken sidewalk while wearing a new pair of clogs that have too small a heel. Right then and there, I set myself up for trouble (not that I fell on purpose - that wold be truly crazy). I fell hard, and had bruises all along the right side of my body. I laughed at the absurdity of falling down (and it was a spectacular fall indeed), and just kept on going. Add that to my normal physical pain, the loss of a comfortable place to sleep, sleeping in a strange environment, suddenly walking miles a day when before I drove to everything. . .I could go on and on. . .all I can say is this: I must be incredibly dense because I've been wondering why I'm tired and hurting.

So, this morning I woke up depressed. Very depressed. And then I thought I had made a huge mistake. I started to mourn everything and felt completely not up to any of the plans I've made, even just unpacking one box. I couldn't get the thought out of my head that I'd been a complete fool to think I could make any life changes at all. Where once was all optimism and light, there was only fear and darkness.

Living in a world composed of one or the other is not reality. Reality is that life filled with bumps and twists and big holes in the road. It is not a smooth blacktop on which one glides as if in a limo. I sure wish it was and I'd love to tell you about the great ride and the nice driver, but I can't.

I'm a deeply flawed human being with enough emotional baggage for a fleet of tracker trailers. Not falling down and falling apart would have been as likely as winning the lottery.


Saturday brings us a bunch of exclusive news for the fans of sf.
Following the new trend of remakes, Breck Eisner ("Sahara") has decided to direct the remake of "Escape From New York". It will be a hybrid of the original movie which was set in a dystopian 1997 where all of Manhattan was turned into a prison reserved for the criminal elite and, when the current President's plane crashed on the island, the classic anti-hero Snake Plissken was forced into undertaking a rescue mission. Breck is also scheduled to direct the remake of "Flash Gordon".

Ridley Scott has reveled that his "Alien" prequel, scheduled for 2012, will be set in 2085, about 30 years before Sigourney Weaver's character Ellen Ripley was born. The prequel will fundamentally try to find out who was the guy who was sitting in the seat of the alien vehicle in the original movie. The main character will again be a woman.

James Cameron has recently reveled why could "Battle Angel Alita" be his next project: the main character is this little girl that everybody kind of ignores. She's got such a heroic heart on the inside, I've always loved that character. "Battle Angel", I think, is a science fiction movie that begs the question 'What does it mean to be human?'It takes place in a future world, a world that has cyborgs, but are you human if you have a mind, if you have a heart, if you have a soul? It's a journey of a young girl who tries to discover herself and what she learns upon that journey.