Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Procrastination post #1

Here's the deal. I got an e-mail asking if I'd like to give stuff away to my readers and get stuff in return. Then, I found out it was an either/or situation. I could give stuff away to my readers, thus "generating more loyal readers" or review products and receive them myself.

I'd love to have giveaways. Who wouldn't? But, somehow I don't think that'll keep anyone coming back except people who troll blogs looking for opportunities to win prizes.

So, since I found something that I have been wanting for years, I've decided to go with the review option. I'll be reviewing bamboo flatware, when and if I get it. It looks like this:

I have a zillion (not an exact estimate) things to make decisions about while I'm packing, and one of them was whether or not I'd bring the forks and knives and spoons and whatnot that are in the kitchen here. I planned on bringing my favorite chopsticks, but I had actually been wondering if anyone made nice looking wooden flatware. I really don't like sticking metal in my mouth. When i saw these, I actually got pretty excited.

Now, I'm supposed to tell you about outdoor step lighting. I thought I'd get a chance to give something away, and this is what I chose:

Maybe I can give this away next time 'round. If I was still living in the country, I think it would be a nice addition to my backyard. It's solar powered, and it's only $24.99. I did have a motion detector lamp in my backyard, and it really was never enough when I got home at night. Having some decorative step lighting would always have been helpful, but it was one of those things I never got around to.

Though I appear to be shamelessly shilling for a huge company, I have bought lighting from CSN within the last six months. I had gone to all the local stores looking for nice, inexpensive lighting and found nothing that I really liked that was affordable. The selection on this website is huge, and I got exactly what I was looking for at a great price, and it arrived promptly and in perfect condition, so I feel totally comfortable recommending them.

Yeah, I'd rather be writing about an amusing bad shopping experience (and it may come to that), but I'm not. If you want to wag a finger at me for doing this, leave a comment! Anyone who does may or may not win something next time 'round. We'll see!

Image notes: Camille Pissarro - This may be a detail of a larger painting. For some interesting commentary on Pissarro and his marketplace paintings, go here.

As to the product pics, I do wish they'd have sent me nicer photographs to post.

My, the marketplace has changed over the years, hasn't it? I'd like to write about that, but I have to get packing!

Addendum: In the spirit of materialistic blogging, here's a link to a chance to win a $50 Macy's gift card over at My Everyday Adventures (in the City).

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