Sunday, July 31, 2011

Corneliu Şerban

Van Gogh : Stars from Arles


Sunt nopţi de dragoste 
care te fac să înţelegi,
să înţelegi, să ştii,
că stelele nu-s decît
biete fiinţe în singurătate,
că fiecare om
e-o necuprinsă galaxie
şi că toate problemele universului
sunt simple, simple, simple,
de fapt.


There are love nights
that make you understand,
understand, know,
that the stars are but
poor creatures in loneliness,
that every human people
is a boundless galaxy
and that all the problems of the universe
are simple, simple, simple,

Saturday, July 30, 2011

These people are awfully quiet.

My blog post entitled "Why You Should Not Get a Tattoo" is in Google's top ten hits. About three hundred people a day read this post, or at least look at it. There is one comment under that post, and that was left in 2008, by someone I know. 

I just re-read it, and the truth is, though I wrote it partially in jest, it contains some good advice. 

I do wonder why no one ever leaves a comment. 

Image note: Not a tattoo, but it would be clever (and not recommended).

Recently I noted that a number of tattooed people have posted comments on Facebook criticizing plastic surgery because the people who had it done weren't happy with themselves as they were "naturally." Tattooing and plastic surgery aren't so different. If people simply wanted to "wear art," they'd don interesting clothes and hang pictures from their necks. People want to change the way they look in drastic, permanent ways, and though not many think of tattoos as doing that, that is indeed what they do. 

When I first started tattooing, I met a tattoo artist who had inked his left calf entirely black. A year later, the person he had apprenticed with had done the same thing to his left forearm. They both had the same goal, which was simply to see how evenly they could do black work with a four flat needle. I have always wanted to do an entire "body part" one color, but I never had any takers. 

Friday, July 29, 2011

Thirteen drafts later. . .

. . .you get this:

I spent the afternoon knitting while listening to various people discussing personal growth. Personal growth  seems like a silly term to me. I think, "How can there not be personal growth? Is there impersonal growth?"

Okay. I'm being silly. Of course there are plenty of people who don't want to "grow." People will, in fact, do a helluva lot to not grow. They will kick and scream and kill instead of changing or challenging themselves. Besides, the very concept of "personal growth" seems absurd these days. Everything is a disease. You have a disease? Well, then. There's a pill for that, and if there isn't, it's incurable.

I felt motivated to cut through my hazy thinking because I felt angry. Listening to  this  trailer for the documentary film "Healing Homes" made me want to cry. The cure for psychosis? Love.

That's right. Love. No pills. No therapy. Just love.

Instead of crying, I got angry. I thought about when I met my new G.P. recently, and she asked me why I wasn't seeing a psychiatrist. I told her I've been tapering off the medication I've been on, very slowly, and had no interest in seeing a psychiatrist, for prescribing medication is the only thing that they do. She was concerned. "Have you ever been diagnosed with schizophrenia?" I wonder what would have happened if I had answered yes to that question. Would I have been forcibly put into a psychiatric hospital, even though I had no signs or symptoms of the "disease?" Perhaps. 

Even though I was off the hook, since this doctor is an osteopath, and I figure she's at least a little bit open minded, I felt obligated to stick up for people who are indeed schizophrenic. There is no evidence whatsoever that medication is helpful for psychosis in the long term. None. There is no evidence that schizophrenia is a brain disease, as most people believe, and as I once did. How is it that doctors, too, believe that it is a disease when there is no proof anywhere of any such thing? I did say something, and, of course, she looked at me as if I was crazy. I don't generally notice that kind of thing, as I've tried hard (yes, changed) to stop trying to discern what others are thinking about me. I can not read minds, but there's that certain look of incredulity, along with a raising of the eyebrows, an intake of breath. . .well. . .Suffice it to say, the doc has a Ph.D., and I do not, so what on earth was I thinking? I must be mad.

What about proof that programs that do not rely on medication have better outcomes? There's proof of that.

This is what makes me so angry. I generally do not use the word "evil," for it has connotations that I'm not sure I believe in, but I am damned sure that there are some things (and people) who are very, very bad. Treating people with kindness is not a money making endeavor, and as such, in this so-called society, it simply doesn't pay. So what do we do with the damning evidence that love and kindness (or a lack thereof) actually matters? We hide it.

Yes, this is a rant. 

Capitalism destroys everything it touches. Do you seriously think the profit motive can do anything positive for this world? We can congratulate ourselves for having a green company or a small carbon footprint, but at core, the whole system is rotten. These little fixes can make our consciences feel better, but they, perhaps, might make matters worse. A clean conscience has been proven to cause people to do people more harm than good.  Most of us know it. Those of us who know it well are, well, crazy. 

Of course the crazy people aren't going to be treated with love in America. Drugs aren't working? Electroconvulsive "therapy" for you! 

You think I'm kidding? Hey, it's on the rise for those who are "treatment resistant." That's pretty interesting considering the treatment has never been proven to work on any known illness. 

This is the stuff of science fiction dystopian novels.

Sadly, it is not a fiction. It may sound insane, but that makes sense, for it is.

Image note: I really like Jan van Eyck, but I do not believe in angels. This is a minority point of view in America. 55% of Americans do literally believe in angels. I guess it's only if you think they're out to get you, instead of benignly looking over your shoulder, that'll get you into trouble.

Marin Sorescu


Vine o vreme
Cînd trebuie să tragem sub noi
O linie neagră
Şi să facem socoteala.

Cîteva momente cînd era să fim fericiţi,
Cîteva momente cînd era să fim frumoşi,
Cîteva momente cînd era să fim geniali.
Ne-am întîlnit de cîteva ori
Cu nişte munţi, cu nişte copaci, cu nişte ape
( Pe unde-or mai fi ? Mai trăiesc ? ).
Toate acestea fac un viitor luminos -
Pe care l-am trăit.

O femeie pe care am iubit-o
Şi cu aceeaşi femeie care nu ne-a iubit
Fac zero.

Un sfert din anii de studii
Fac mai multe miliarde de cuvinte furajere,
A căror înţelepciune am eliminat-o treptat.

Şi, în sfîrşit, o soartă
Şi cu încă o soartă ( de unde-o mai fi ieşit ? )
Fac două ( Scriem una şi ţinem una,
Poate, cine ştie, există şi viaţă de apoi ).


There comes a time
When we have to draw under us
A black line
And count.

Some moments when we could have been happy,
Some moments when we could have been beautiful,
Some  moments when we could have been brilliant.
Some moments when we met 
Some mountains, some trees and some waters
( Where would they be ? Do they still live ? )
All these make  a bright future -
Which we already have lived.

A woman  we loved
Plus the same woman who didn't loved us
Means zero.

A quarter of our study years
Is several billions of fodder words
Whose wisdom we removed slowly.

And finally a fate
And another fate ( hence did it come out ? )
Are two ( we write one and keep one
Maybe, who knows, there is afterlife ).

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Healthier Hair Care

Hair is your body's barometer. A sound body produces healthy hair. In fact hair is the second fastest developing body organ in the human anatomy following the bone marrow and it grows at the rate of half inch a month. Hair troubles are the very first signs that something is actually wrong along with you internally.

Your hair is a reflection of your internal health. Getting good care of hair can completely change your beauty. It is absolutely essential that you should know the kind of hair that you possess. Your hair may fall into 4 fundamental categories - Regular, Greasy, Dry, and Mixture. Knowing the kind as well as texture of the hair can help you to determine the type of products and treatment options which is perfect for your requirements.

The 2nd essential for attaining healthier hair is to follow a proper hair care routine. You should wash hair regularly utilizing a great hair shampoo as well as strengthener. Choose hair serum if necessary. Do not comb your hair when they are wet instead allow them to dried out naturally. Reduce using heating devices such as blow dryers, styling irons, and styling devices because these harm your hair physically as well as chemically.

Use flexible bands and other add-ons, which avoid hair damage and steer clear of too-tight hairstyles such as ponytails and buns. Ensure that you put on a cap or perhaps a scarf to protect hair from the undesirable effect of UV rays in addition to strong winds. Oil your hair once a week to strength all of them. Massaging your scalp with almond or even olive oil can aid within supplying adequate nutrition to your hair, for keeping them, damp, soft, as well as frizz-free. Cut hair on a regular basis to prevent developing split ends.

The 3rd and most ignored requirement for wholesome and shiny hair is your diet. Be careful about your protein consumption. Consuming healthy meals (especially sufficient proteins) can definitely market the good wellness of the head and hair. Consist of two portions associated with protein-rich foods like ova, chicken, seedlings, as well as soy products in your daily diet. Eat two glasses of milk every day. Include omega-3 fatty acids as well as e vitamin wealthy foods like soybeans, tofu, walnuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, as well as flax seeds in each and every dinner. In addition, stay well hydrated. Keeping your body well moisturized can ensure correct hair regrowth, whilst reducing dry skin as well as loss associated with hair.

Monday, July 25, 2011

How To Get Flawless Foundation Coverage Like Celebrities

How To Get Flawless Foundation Coverage Like Celebrities

By Trisha Reid

Have you ever noticed that your favorite celebrity's makeup is always flawless? Sure they can have photos in magazines retouched, but what about red carpet functions where there is no retouching? Their makeup still looks picture-perfect! Their near-perfect appearance is based on foundation applied by an expert hand. You can get your makeup to look just like theirs by learning how their makeup artists do it.

The first step in achieving your own red carpet look is finding a foundation that fits your own color. Never guess your color by buying the shade that you think will fit your complexion. Take the time to try a tester on your jawline to see if it matches. If there are no testers available, then no deal! Don't buy it. It's likely that you'll go home, find out that it doesn't match perfectly, and never wear it. Even worse, you may be so committed to your purchase that you'll end up wearing it anyway, even though it doesn't match! How do you know if it's a match?

The foundation will disappear into your own skin, without any blending. If you can't see it, then it's a match! Most women assume that if they can't see the foundation, then it's not going to give them the coverage they need. Remember, if your foundation is any color other than your own, it won't match your neck and the rest of your body. I think we can all agree that that's not a good look! Another thing to note is that you should never go cheap on your liquid foundation. This is your skin we're talking about. Foundation is the most important beauty tool in your makeup bag, so it should be high quality. Don't complain of uneven coverage if you bought your foundation at a drugstore. Go for brands that will get the job done for sure.

The next step is to prepare your skin for application. Apply a moisturizer and wait five minutes to allow it to absorb into your skin. Think of this as the foundation to your foundation. A primer can be used as well, but is not necessary. It will help fill fine lines and create a smoother complexion.

There are three ways that you can apply your foundation. You can use your fingers to spread it across your face, which will give you a more natural look. You can also use a sponge to get more coverage and a more finished look. For the most perfected look, use a foundation brush. Start from the middle of your face and move outwards. Dab the liquid on your cheeks, chin, eyelids and forehead, then spread with whichever method you think is best for the look you're trying to achieve. Remember, less is more. You don't want people calling you "cakeface" behind your back, so use your foundation sparingly.

Women always debate whether foundation should be applied before or after foundation. If you apply it before, you'll most likely end up using a lot and spreading it much further than you need to. Instead, apply it afterwards and blend well. Go for a shade that is one shade lighter than your own complexion and blend with a small, flat brush. You can also use concealer to cover blemishes anywhere else on your skin.

The last step is your powder finish. This step will finish off your look, and if you applied your foundation right, make you look as if you're not wearing any makeup at all. Experts suggest sweeping your powder on a big fluffy brush in a W motion- starting at your temple, bringing it over your nose, and back to your other temple.

Now you're equipped with the knowledge you need to look fabulous on a daily basis! Now that you've conquered perfecting your skin, it's time to perfect your hair. Visit to get the low-down on how you can get longer locks!

Article Source:

Image source: google

Three Best Dark Blonde Hair Color Ideas

Three Best Dark Blonde Hair Color Ideas

By Matt Given

Dark blonde hair color proves to be a versatile color for all seasons. A shade that can vary from a dark golden tone to cooler tone of dark ash, this hair color is at the other end of platinum blonde and features different tones including warm, cool and neutral ones. While the warmer shades work great for summer and spring, the neutral and cooler shades seem to be an ideal option for autumn and winter. So if you are looking forward for coloring your hair in this shade, choosing any one of the color ideas listed in this guide will go along way in opting the right one.

Sandy blonde proves to be one of the perfect colors especially for people with cool skin tones. An ideal example of neutral blonde without any golden hues, this shade requires you to apply blue based toners so that the yellow tones can be tamed once you have finished bleaching. However selecting the right kind of hairstyle is also important when coloring your tresses with it. Opting for a textured hairstyle by cutting your hair in layers or including other interesting features like curls or bangs can go a long way in enhancing the look of sandy blonde.

Neutral golden blonde is another dark blonde hair color idea that proves to be a perfect option for people with warm skin tones. Unlike the regular golden blonde that features more of unnatural yellow tones, choosing a slightly neutral medium dark one with less golden tones can prove to be beneficial in making your tresses look natural and beautiful. Neutral golden looks beautiful especially in a hairstyle that is in an up do or is worn straight down. However it must be remembered that since neutral tones often change in artificial hair color pigments when they are exposed to various cleansing products or sun, maintaining them can prove to be difficult. Thus using a pigmented shampoo becomes vital to keep your tresses looking shiny and healthy.

Highlighting is great way to add some sparkle and shine in your hair. A perfect idea for all those who have colored into ash or neutral tones, adding highlights of brown or black will not only add more interest to your color but will also aid in breaking up the color, thus making you look more fashionable and trendy.

Maintaining your blonde hairstyle requires you to use color depositing shampoo and conditioner to help keep the brassy tones out of your hairstyle. Since these products do not contain cleansing agents, they can be left on the hair for a longer period of time without causing any kind of damage to your mane.

The greatest advantage of transiting to a dark blonde hair color is the fact that it gives you the freedom to work more in terms of combination of hues and different highlights. A perfect shade for all skin tones, this shade promises to add a touch of glamour to your hairstyle thereby giving your personality a stylish and classic appeal.

Check out our website to find out more about dark blonde hair color.

Article Source:

Image source: Google


Benefit chair of Southampton Hospital’s 53rd Annual Summer Gala Jean Shafiroff, Actress and Co-founder of Maria Bello

Maria Bello Brings Out the Stars To Support The Hamptons for Haiti Benefit

Sponsored by, and Plum Network

Author Alison Thompson, Actress Patricia Arquette

This past weekend, actress and co-founder of WeAdvance.Org Maria Bello hosted the Hamptons For Haiti benefit sponsored by, and Plum Network. The fundraiser was held at East Hampton’s The Ross School to raise funds for the people of Cité Soleil in Haiti—the poorest region in the Western hemisphere. The program included musical performances by “The Diva of Haiti” Barbara Guillaume, prodigy pianist Gamar Josama and singer Melky Jean as well as a viewing of an educational documentary about The event also hosted a silent auction featuring exclusive items such as a visit to Maria Bello’s NBC Fall series Prime Suspect set with actor Aiden Quinn, a visit to NBC’s Law & Order: Special Victims Unit set with actress Mariska Hargitay, lanterns from Restoration Hardware, tablets from VINCI Tab, artwork by artists Peter Tunney, Beth O’Donnell, Anthony Russell in conjunction with Raphael Mazzuco and Marc Baptiste, a family photo shoot and album by photographer Elizabeth Jordan, and a three-hour cruise for six aboard Courtney Ross’ private 44’ Jet Boat, complete with gourmet lunch, champagne, and an outstanding crew and captain. Those who came out to support Maria and attended the event included: actresses Mariska Hargitay and Patricia Arquette, actors Liev Schreiber, Fisher Stevens and Terry Quinn, designers Donna Karan and Christopher Fischer, New York Ranger Sean Avery, models Hilary Rhoda and Kristine Szabo, director Doug Liman, singer Melky Jean, Chief Medical Operations Coordinator of Nicole Ross, author Alison Thompson, Creative Director of Urban Zen Sonja Nuttall, fashion photographer Marc Baptiste, President of Causecast Brian Sirgutz, artists Beth O’Donnell, Peter Tunney and Elizabeth Jordan, CQ: Expressive & Receptive Intelligence founder Clare Munn, benefit chair of Southampton Hospital’s 53rd Annual Summer Gala Jean Shafiroff, and philanthropist and model Anjhula Mya Singh Bais.

Director Fisher Stevens, Actor Liev Schreiber

Designer Christopher Fischer, Actress Mariska Hargitay

Guests also received exciting gift bags with items from Christopher Fischer Cashmere, Madame Paulette®,, Kenneth Mark, M.D., FACMS Office, VINCI Tab, restaurants Philippe Chow and Nello Summertimes, Angelo David Salon, RéVive, Popchips, Bond No. 9 New York, Laura Geller Makeup, Rene Furterer, Plum Magazine, and a copy of ‘The Third Wave: A Volunteer Story’ by author Alison Thompson.

Barbara Guillaume “The Diva of Haiti,” Singer, Co-Founder of

Melky Jean, Singer, Songwriter, Entrepreneur, Humanitarian and Sister of Wyclef Jean, Anjhula Singh Bias, Activist, Philanthropist and Model

The event raised thousands as 100% of proceeds went towards and’s ongoing efforts within the Haitian community, such as establishing the first-ever ambulance service in Cité Soleil. “I hope will one day change the lives of everyone, not just Haitians,” said co-founder Barbara Guillaume after thanking guests for supporting the cause. Actress Maria Bello started to take direct action for the well-being of suffering Haitians after she held the hand of a young boy who had his arm amputated without anesthesia due to lack of medical supplies. The organization plans to treat 60,000 Haitians by the end of 2011.

ABOUT WEADVANCE.ORG: Co-founded by actress Maria Bello after the devastating earthquake in Haiti in January 2010, We Advance is a micro-NGO that seeks to empower the mind, body and spirits of Haitian women. The organization’s work in Cité Soleil is based off of the philosophy of founding partner and Haitian activist, Barbara Guillaume: “If we can change the worst of Haiti, we can change all of Haiti.” We Advance models an inclusive grassroots approach with a movement that collaborates with both other organizations and women from every socio-economic class. Their clinic services hundreds of women and children a week with health care, community outreach, English clasess and play programs. The organization brings in volunteer experts to train local community leaders in the aspects of health, safety and education. The ultimate goal of We Advance is to foster the program’s foundation and eventually leave the organization in the hands of Haitian women.

ABOUT GLOBALDIRT.ORG: Global DIRT (Disaster Immediate Response Team) is a micro-NGO, also founded in January 2010 by Adam Marlatt shortly after the devastating earthquake in Haiti. Using their experiences as members of the United States Marine Corps, Marlatt and fellow Marine Robert Sullivan have constructed a small, all-volunteer force dedicated to providing immediate assistance to victims of disasters all around the globe. DIRT acts as an intermediary between larger organizations, hospitals, military, and the victims. The Global DIRT team is currently dedicating its services to Haiti where it has earned a reputation as a go-to NGO for assistance in transportation and logistics. DIRT has provided water, food and medical supplies in areas that have not always been reached by larger organizations. The team specializes in emergency patient transfers and works diligently to improve communication between local hospitals and clinics. Global DIRT's goal for future situations is to be the first responder on the ground after a disaster. It plans to use its experiences in Haiti to provide fast, efficient and accurate information to responding groups in order to organize and expedite the recovery and rebuilding process.

For further information about please visit or

All photos credit by Liam McMullan of Patrick McMullan

Disclosure: the above publication is for entertainment purposes only and it is courtesy of PR


Now, this is a piece of news which makes me personally happy: "Variety" reports that director P.J. Hogan and Toni Collette
will work again after their collaboration in beloved classic MURIEL'S WEDDING. In Hogan's new film MENTAL, Collette will play a crazy hotheaded hitchhiker brought on to nanny five girls by their father, a philandering politician, after he hospitalizes his wife for a nervous breakdown. The cast also includes Liev Schreiber and Anthony LaPaglia! Over at Comic Con Legendary pictures has revealed concept art for their PARADISE LOST in which Lucifer and Michael, God's greatest archangels, share the bond of extraordinary friendship until God produces his greatest creation: Man. Unable to remain subservient to God if it means bowing down to humanity, Lucifer
begins his dark descent and is cast out - only to plot his revenge. This huge epic which will have Bradley Cooper as Lucifer will also have some huge aerial battles directed by Alex Proyas!
According to "Heat Vision" Harrison Ford has taken the lead role in the movie adaptation of Max Allan Collins' novel BLACK HATS which is set in the Prohibition era which has just begun,
and the Wild West is a fading memory, and Wyatt Earp is making ends meet as a detective in Los Angeles. To help the late Doc Holliday's son, Wyatt goes east, where his onetime deputy, Bat Masterson, is New York's top sportswriter. Wyatt and Masterson face a showdown with a new breed of mobsters led by Brooklyn's brutal young Al Capone, in a takeover of young Holliday's hot new speakeasy. As the '20s (and machine guns) roar, the lawless lawmen enter a glittering world of showgirls and cafe society, of gangsters and gamblers, where their legends may even end as Scarface Al's begins.
Last week I showed you the first picture of Liam McIntyre from SPARTACUS VENGEANCE which will air next January on Starz, and now you can check out the first trailer as well. On the heels of the bloody escape from the House of Batiatus that
concluded SPARTACUS BLOOD AND SAND the gladiator rebellion continues and begins to strike fear into the heart of the Roman Republic in the second season. Gaius Claudius Glaber (Craig Parker) and his Roman troops are sent to Capua to crush the growing band of freed slaves that Spartacus leads before it can inflict further damage. Spartacus is presented the choice of satisfying his personal need for vengeance against the man that condemned his wife to slavery and eventual death or making the larger sacrifices necessary to keep his budding army from breaking apart.

PS it seems you liked both the royal post on Sunday and yesterday's bunch of new pics since HOLLYWOOD SPY had almost 3,000 visitors this Monday ;) I also checked some specific stats, and lots of people have been brought here from Google after typing in Hayley Atwell naked or nude :) Guess those who went to watch CAPTAIN AMERICA really liked her :)

Watch Sahi Dhandhe Galat Bande 2011 Hindi Movie Download Online - Not A Love Story 2011 Full Hindi Movie Watch Online

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Release Date: August 19, 2011
Genre: Action, Comedy

Banner / Distributor
Very Fishy Films

Vansh Bhardwaj as Sexy
Tena Desae as Neha
Anupam Kher as Aggarwal
Parvin Dabas as Rajbir
Sharat Saxena as Fauji
Yashpal Sharma as Malik
Kiran Juneja as Chief minister
Neena Kulkarni as Tai
Ashish Nayyar as Ambani
Kuldeep Ruhil as Doctor

Director: Parvin Dabbas

Producer: Preeti Jhangiani
Story Writer: Parvin Dabbas

Screenplay: Parvin Dabbas
Music Director: Siddharth, Suhas, Dhruv Dhalla

Cinematographer: Anshul Chobey
Editor: Chin Singh

Casting Director: Honey Trehan
Stunts Director: Shyam KaushalNot

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Cover Story (2011) Bollywood Hindi Movie First Look,Information, Review,Preview, full Cast and Crew, Producer 
and more..
Glorious Entertainment
Under Production
Release Date
August 19, 2011
Sunitha Ram
Laurence Postma
Ram Samtani
Pappee Sangtani
Laurence Postma
Star Cast
Sheena Nayar
Jackie Shroff
Music Director
Monty Sharma
Shamir Tandon
Uday Tiwari
Yule Rohan Kurup
Rishi Oberoi
Gopika Malkan
Media Relations
Perception Managers
Publicity Designs
Story / Writer
Laurence Postma
Farrukh Dhondy
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Hollywood Movie Cowboys & Aliens (2011)
Watch Hollywood Movies online Trailer La Pivellina HD 2011
* Release Date: 08/01/2011
* Rating: Not Rated
* Runtime: 1 hr 40 mins
* Genre: Drama
* Director: Rainer Frimmel
* Cast: Patrizia Gerardi, Walter Saabel, Asia Crippa, Tairo Caroli
La Pivellina 2011 Hollywood Movie Watch Online Official Trailer

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Don 2 (2011) Hindi Movie Watch Online - Don 2 2011 Full Hindi Movie Download Free

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Don 2 (2011) Hindi Movie Watch Online
Don 2 (2011) Hindi Movie Trailer Watch online information:
Don 2 2011 Hindi Movie Watch Online  Information:
Don 2 (2011) HIndi Bollywood Movie Review, Information, First Look, Full Cast & Ceaw
Release Date: December 23, 2011
Shooting Locations (City & Country):India
Farhan Akhtar
Ritesh Sidhwani
Shahrukh Khan
Executive Producer / Co-Producer:
Miriam Joseph
Farhan Akhtar
Star Cast:
Shahrukh Khan...... Don
Priyanka Chopra...... Roma
Lara Dutta...... Lara
Boman Irani...... Vardhaan
Om Puri...... Mallik
Kunal Kapoor...... Sameer Ali
Nawab Shah
Adi Putra
Javed Akhtar
Music Director:
Shankar Mahadevan
Ehsaan Noorani
Loy Mendonca
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  • Nightarchaon
    Mar 24, 07:44 AM
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    I Love my Macbook pro, with its MATT screen, i cant justify a MacPro expense, and the Mac Mini just doesnt cut it at the graphics card level, so that leaves the iMac, love the form factor, love the OS, hate the unusable migrane inducing shiney screen.


    the iPad i prefer the glossy screen, same with the iPhone, but then the occasions ill be using an iPad require me to have a bright colour screen for PDFs, and the lighting is usually bad enough that the reflective qualities are not a problem.

    noelia lopez. Noelia Lopez and Almudena Cid

  • Noelia Lopez and Almudena Cid

  • Mac Fly (film)
    Sep 9, 09:20 AM
    What about the 3.0Ghz Mac Pro?:D

    noelia lopez. Video amp; Images featuring Noelia Lopez

  • Video amp; Images featuring Noelia Lopez

  • Vegasman
    Apr 19, 09:18 AM
    LOL even the clock icon look the same, that's just cheap copying.

    10:10 has been the primary way to show time on a static clock and watches for decades. The 10:10 position of the hands is used to highlight the logo which is usually located below the "12".

    I wonder where Apple got the idea from?

    noelia lopez. Noelia López2

  • Noelia López2

  • Erwin-Br
    Apr 20, 12:15 PM
    time to do research?

    if you are not doing anything wrong, what is there to worry about?

    Because the definition of "wrong" can be changed and stretched by the government. Think "Red scare".

    But since you're so open, why don't you go ahead and give me the password to your Email account?

    noelia lopez. Guti and Noelia Lopez

  • Guti and Noelia Lopez

  • zacman
    Mar 30, 11:39 AM
    "Windows" was a generic term in the computer industry before Microsoft had any trademark.

    Yes, but that doesn't matter. The word Windows is no generic IT word, while app(lication) is. That's the difference.

    "Apple" can't be used to trademark a fruit, but it can be used to trademark a computer. "Windows" can't be used to trademark "windows of a house" but it can be for an operating system. "App store" can be trademarked for a brothel but not for a store that sells computer applications.

    noelia lopez. Noelia López

  • Noelia López

  • amols
    Sep 5, 02:06 PM
    Also, $10-15 for a d/l movies is a ripoff. Unless they are going to do HD quality movies at $15, DVDs will remain a much better value.

    I agree. I'd rather buy it off Walmart for that price and convert it to iPod format, PSP format and what not. Afterall, I won't be limited to play it on 'n' number of players. Steve was right when he said few years back that movie downloads does not work. Off course, any new addition to the store will not hurt.

    noelia lopez. Noelia López reconoce que su

  • Noelia López reconoce que su

  • animefan_1
    Sep 13, 08:57 PM
    Shouldn't the thread's title have a question at the end? Regardless of how 'reliable' the source may be, it's still a rumor and should be regarded as such.

    noelia lopez. Noelia Lopez - Người đánh

  • Noelia Lopez - Người đánh

  • daneoni
    Aug 31, 09:03 PM
    WHo cares, frankly i'm tired of all these Apple rumor crap. Its been three tuesdays in a row and we havent seen anything yet. Its been almost a year and we have no new iPods.

    New resolution: I'll buy something when i need it. No more holding out for PowerBook G5 Tuesdays.......Psych!

    PS I love my PowerBook!

    noelia lopez. Dani Homedes y Noelia López.

  • Dani Homedes y Noelia López.

  • robotx21
    Sep 13, 10:19 PM
    Here is another possible mockup of the iPhone. This sounds more like the description:

    noelia lopez. noelia-lopez

  • noelia-lopez

  • pondosinatra
    Mar 24, 08:42 AM
    Im with you on the glossy iMacs, there AWFUL to actually sit in front of and use for any lenght of time, talk about eye strain.

    MATT option iMac and im there in a flash, but im not holding out hope, the �1600 ive sat waiting for a new desktop is more and more likely going towards a home built i7 sandybridge rig, and windows 7 so that when i sit with my back to the window the screen doesnt just refelect the outside world and i have to squint through it rather than just see what im working on. I dont need a tree or a bus in my spreadsheets or word documents thank you apple.

    I Love my Macbook pro, with its MATT screen, i cant justify a MacPro expense, and the Mac Mini just doesnt cut it at the graphics card level, so that leaves the iMac, love the form factor, love the OS, hate the unusable migrane inducing shiney screen.


    the iPad i prefer the glossy screen, same with the iPhone, but then the occasions ill be using an iPad require me to have a bright colour screen for PDFs, and the lighting is usually bad enough that the reflective qualities are not a problem.

    Well it looks like my iMac will meet the minimum specs for Lion, so I might upgrade, but then that's it for me. I'll probably go to Linux or some alternative operating system. - Maybe I'll crack out my NeXT Dimension Cube :D

    noelia lopez. Video amp; Images featuring Noelia Lopez

  • Video amp; Images featuring Noelia Lopez

  • epitaphic
    Sep 9, 08:56 AM
    This is interesting. So the frequency difference of 2.16 to 2.66 is 23% yet the MacPro is only 20-30% faster? So clock for clock, the iMac would be between 7% slower and 3% FASTER than the MacPro!

    There is no chance in hell there'll be a Conroe system for some time. This is also the reason the Mac Pros are all quads, a duo would be just as fast for all but the 0.001% of people that do stuff that fully utilizes the quad.

    noelia lopez. Jose Maria Gutierrez and Noelia Lopez middot; « Back. Photo Credit:

  • Jose Maria Gutierrez and Noelia Lopez middot; « Back. Photo Credit:

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 19, 11:04 PM
    I never said Apple going after Woolworths for their logo was a good move.

    My only point in this whole discussion is Apple is not all sweet and innocent like so many like to think and defend them to the death. They have done some pretty lame things and filed frivolous lawsuits. And as an aside, The Beatles Let It Be album had a red apple logo in the center instead of the usual green.

    noelia lopez. Noelia López, la novia de Guti

  • Noelia López, la novia de Guti

  • Vegasman
    Mar 30, 01:23 PM
    Again why cant MS just call is their MobileApp store?

    They don't want to call their store "MobileApp" because they already have a store. It's called "Marketplace".

    They would however like to describe their store that called "Marketplace" by saying that it is a store that sells apps. You know, an app store.

    noelia lopez. Guti and Noelia Lopez at Beach

  • Guti and Noelia Lopez at Beach

  • iMeowbot
    Sep 14, 10:44 AM
    Because Aperture pretty much needed those machines to run it nicely.
    Eh? That last PowerBook didn't bring very much improvement.

    That's cool, I was told I was delusional when I said that Meroms would ship in mid-2006 and the eMac would be replaced by an iMac with GMA950 too. :D

    noelia lopez. Noelia López, la novia de Guti

  • Noelia López, la novia de Guti

  • alphaod
    Apr 19, 02:55 PM
    I'm pretty sure there will countless companies willing to take on Apple as a new customer.

    noelia lopez. chenoa-noelia-lopez-ganan-

  • chenoa-noelia-lopez-ganan-

  • blahblah100
    Mar 30, 01:25 PM
    In the Windows world, it would be a Program Store. Look at any Windows computer and there's nothing called an application or an app. MS claims to have, like 95% of the desktop market. How would the gazillion Windows users out there even know what an "app" was? They've had zero exposure to it, it's a totally foreign term. Wait a minute, it's an Apple term that is coming into common usage and now MS might have to change their language to get rid of the goofy term "program", conceding defeat, so its usage must be stopped or curtailed. That's what this is really about.

    As others have pointed out (repeatedly), Windows does actually refer to what you call 'Programs' as applications. For example, right click on a 'program' shortcut. On the short-cut, what does it say for the "target type?"

    Since you seem to have trouble reading so-far, I'll give you a hint: it says "Application."

    It's been this way since <at least> Windows XP.

    Edit: Actually, I just looked at some really old KB articles from Microsoft, MS-Dos 'programs' were also referred to as "applications."

    noelia lopez. Noelia López en la portada de

  • Noelia López en la portada de

  • Kelmon
    Sep 14, 01:00 PM
    Gee, I love that a thread about a photography event has been hijacked by wishes for a new MacBook Pro. As far as I am concerned the release of these laptops can't come soon enough. For the last month the money has been in the bank for the biggest, bad-ass MacBook Pro that Apple will release so I'm just waiting and hoping now. Following the announcements on Tuesday I may throw in an iPod (3-years+ of Mac and I've only held one once...) unless my wife catches me first.

    Bring it on.

    noelia lopez. NOELIA LOPEZ / 13


  • tigress666
    Apr 25, 01:13 PM
    I'll wait to see what it is before I say whether I like it or not.

    I really like the current case design so hopefully they keep the good elements (like I like the black bezel and the light up keyboard both for aesthetic reasons though the aesthetics I think are practical when talking screen though the keyboard is purely just I like how it looks lit up :) ).

    I wouldn't mind if the whole computer was a darker color, that would be nice.

    noelia lopez. Video amp; Images featuring Noelia Lopez

  • Video amp; Images featuring Noelia Lopez

  • Gurutech
    Sep 10, 10:08 PM
    I'm expecting to see multimedia oriented (that looks like dvd players) that uses conroe and upgradable gpu.

    waiting for the Showtime!!


    Aug 24, 02:59 AM
    What about their audio cards?

    I still wish they made them for Apple. Looks like they might! Awesome!!!
    New rumor!

    What about their audio cards?

    OMO. They are still the best sound cards for PC today.:) Non Pro audio that is.

    Sep 14, 04:41 PM
    If Jobs is realy taking a plane to the whole way down to germany, I think he is presenting more than a software update. But is he realy comming? Or is it again a live-streaming kinda thing? Or might someone else be leading through the show?


    Sep 17, 11:23 PM
    Amen. the US dont use GSM, do they, it's CDMA, right?

    Here (australia) we have both, kinda. All carriers run GSM, and while there is some locking of handsets (if you get a "free" phone on a contract) you can pay it out early, or move to a different carrier when the contract expires, or just buy your own phone.

    I could NEVER imagine this whole "i want that phone by xyz carrier doesnt have it". Aren't you americans supposed to demand the best of everything!?

    Dear God, please check your info before posting. We have many GSM carriers, and you can buy certain CDMA phones and use them on a different CDMA network. And you were talking about international roaming in other posts, well, we have that, here. Even CDMA that you bash so much has roaming options. My brother is using a dual CDMA/GSM phone on Sprint right now in London. And the international roaming rates are cheaper with US carriers compared to Vodafone Australia, depending on countries. We also have 3G CDMA and GSM based Cingular uses W-CDMA, so you're not the only ones there, either.

    Sep 10, 10:56 AM

    or half of one....

    Machead III
    Aug 29, 06:17 AM
    What makes you think that they are not being paid enough as it is?

    "...decreases in the rate of performance improvements, if it meant that the people who manufactured the computers..."