Saturday, June 18, 2011

Facial Exercises for Men - 3 Top Tips

Facial Exercises for Men - 3 Top Tips

By Horace Tait

Whilst it may be a topic frequently covered in women's healthy magazines the subject of aging is equally important to the male section of society. For men, the desire to look young, particularly in the face, is just as strong as it is within the female populace. However, whilst plastic surgery is always an option, it is a little drastic. Instead performing facial exercises manually can be a worthwhile method of limiting and even reversing the signs of aging.

The face is where our bodies show the signs of age more readily than any other part of the body. These signs are the results of the day to day stresses of life, such as frown lines and also because frequently our faces are exposed to the elements, the sun, wind and rain, more than any other part of the body. Such is the importance of performing facial exercises, to battle age and retain a youthful appearance.

But how do you perform facial exercises? Below are three which may be suitable.

The first exercise works the lips and cheeks. In order to carry it out you should start by puckering your lips whilst trying to suck in a single cheek, then alternating between each of cheeks every couple of seconds. To perform the lip and cheek workout, you should alternate the cheeks around twenty times; that is forty in total. If you want to finish with a little effort you can perform the exercise whilst sucking both cheeks, holding for twenty seconds in total.

An excellent exercise for your chin and mouth, which with time can become saggy and wrinkly, is to start by bringing your lower lip over your top lip until you can feel it stretching the skin underneath your chin. Next you should bring your chin back towards your neck, taking care to keep your head level throughout. This exercise should be performed regularly to prevent wrinkles around the mouth and chin in three sets of twenty repetitions.

The final exercise involves using your fingers. Firstly place your index fingers within your mouth, pulling it apart slightly until a modicum of tension is gained. You should then tighten your lips a little to make the tension greater whilst maintaining an oval shape with your mouth. Care should be taken not to overstretch your mouth although with time you should be able to carry out thirty effective repetitions for a good workout.

These three exercises give just a small idea of how it is possible to perform facial exercises with the objective of achieving a more youthful appearance. With a little effort and a set daily routine it should be possible to effectively combat the signs of aging and look that little bit younger.

Horace Tait has studied many different facial exercises and is a proponent for their usage in battling the signs of aging.

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