Saturday, March 5, 2011

Leopards, not spring chickens!

I've been a little bit absent recently - mainly because I'm broke from buying the leather jacket and partly because I've been suffering from migraines and have been rocking pyjamas instead of dresses. I did spend a bit of time on my appearance the other day, doing some spring inspired leopard print nails. I have a great tip for anyone who picked up the free Models Own kit that came with Fabulous magazine about a month ago.....
Quite a few people mentioned that the liquid eyeliner was a bit stiff to use but it works amazingly as a nail art pen! Here are the results:

The polish is a pale purple colour and the eyeliner is black. I added white dots to the middle of my leopard spots but that picture came out all blurry!
I went to Gunwharf Quays in Portsmouth again today with my mum. Didn't buy anything but had a nice lunch! Here's what I wore...

Wearing the new Muubaa leather jacket. It was really comfy but not very warm! It was bloomin' freezing outside today!
In other news, I bought Glamour magazine as it was only £2 and because Elle isn't out til the 9th this month....It had a free lipstick on the cover which I love - it's by Clinique and I think it would suit everyone.
Inside they had a picture of their glitter iced Krispy Kreme donuts to celebrate their 10 year anniversary. I just saw them in Tesco and they are so pretty! (If a donut can be pretty?)

They look like they have glitter lipgloss on the top! Nom. Unfortunately I'm on a donut free diet right now...

Whilst surfing the net quickly I came across some lovely packaging in the form of Love and Toast lip balms on This one is my fave:

It's only £4.95 in the sale at the moment! I'd like to find out how you can make a lip balm taste like prickly pears! They also do a cherry lemonade flavour which sounds yummy. If you order one let me know how it tastes!

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