Friday, October 3, 2008

To blog or not to blog

Fact one: I should be studying, not blogging.

Fact two: There are estimated to be approximately 70 million blogs worldwide, according to the Blog Herald.

Sort of a fact three: "Your loyal readers are the ones you service on a regular basis and if you can’t connect with them by giving them what they want, need, and rely upon, your post missed the connection." This, from the above mentioned Blog Herald.

I have no idea why anyone who is a regular reader of this blog comes back for more. I know that I get a lot of hits because of the few and far between tattoo entries, but those folks do not come back.

Conventional blog wisdom says this type of blog is doomed to failure, and I am beginning to understand why. Even I am getting tired of my rambling.

I also thought that I was doing some kind of service (ha! ha! ha!) by posting images of paintings that most people would never get to see otherwise, and providing links that could be followed with interest. But I know that noone clicks these links.

I also contended that being "interested in everything" was some kind of hedge against depression, but I sure haven't proved that one, have I?

So, as Freud might have asked, "What do blog readers want?" I ask periodically, but this time it's feeling more vital.

I'm starting to think that I could serve people best by posing questions, making suggestions (such as the time I said "go out and look at nature today"), and posting open-ended crafts project instructions.

In the format I presently have, you may land here and read a Palin-bashing rant (I couldn't hold it in any longer!) or you may read a perfume review. This is a super-specialized world - heck, there's a magazine for everything. I saw one today for people who made clothing for stuffed dolls.

This is a diary of sorts, open for all the world to see, but unless I want to push a cult of personality (and I doubt that's going to happen), how far can that go?

Please, help me out and give this all some thought (and get back to me, okay?)

Image note: From the Historic Iowa Children's Diaries Digital Collection. C'mon: click a link! It's good for you!

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