Thursday, September 3, 2009

Vegetarian chopped liver

I found a recipe for vegetarian chopped liver that was once served at the "Famous Diary Restaurant" on 72nd Street in New York City. It was a great restaurant. I used to go their for their pierogi, but I believe I did have some of what they called "mock chopped liver." If it was bad, I'd remember. My memory is elusive, but perhaps this is where I did have the faux liver that I once thought was so good. Here's the recipe, and yes, it does need a food processor to make:

3 chopped onions, cooked slowly in 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil until golden brown.
2 cups of cooked green beans
1 3/4 cups cooked peas
3 hard boiled eggs
20 Tam Tams or other salty crackers
salt and pepper to taste

Put everything in a food processor and process until well mixed.

I bet it tastes more like my grandmother's recipe with some celery or celery seeds thrown in. If someone tries this recipe, I'd like a report. Not much to it, is there?

Image note (if you can call it that): I was going to post a picture of chopped liver, but y'know, it really looks like a pile of poop. Here's a link to the Wikipedia page on the expression "Oy vey", which I spelled wrong. Who knew? Obviously, not I.

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